Human trafficking is the trade of humans. Most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker and lately for the extraction of organs or tissues for the black market. In addition, Human trafficking is an industry where your children are a product or a commodity. Most times it starts with social media like Backpage, Craigslist, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Kik,, WhatsApp, and dating sites such as Tinder, Grinder, and Plenty of Fish which are the biggest pimps on the Internet. It is home for organized crime and the heinous actions perpetrated against children who are forced into servitude and most times where they lose their identity.



It is the 2nd largest BILLION-dollar industry in the world. If you think that your child has run away from home, think again. An actor ‘grooms’ your child on these sites and elsewhere; then your child is handed over to the trafficker. You will most likely never know if your child has been trafficked unless we profile your case. Every minute, a child is trafficked and lost forever, unless you call us. Our private sector agency is the most experienced, most effective, and most recognized in the world with the highest recovery rate. Sex traffickers use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to force women, men, and children to engage in commercial sex against their will. They are often beaten, drugged, and prostituted up to 30 times per day. Child Recovery International stands as a beacon of hope for locating the whereabouts of a distressed child rescuing them from their horrors.


You can never ignore the circumstances and victimization of human trafficking and sex trafficking but rather take a proactive approach to determine if the missing is caught up in the dark web of trafficking.

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